Tuesday, March 4, 2008

JJ and AB

Asad Bedran, Echo Park Graffiti

The attached photo depicts a graffiti covered wall at Echo Park in Los Angeles, California. Jane Jacobs dislikes parks and loved sidewalks, as Professor Lupton highlighted in lecture, the reasons regard social interaction. In this photograph Echo Park, once a beautiful park designed for social activity, has been enclosed by commercial communities in responce to an expanding Downtown Los Angeles. The park is a popular hangout spot for local gangs and that discourages public interaction. So this supports her dislike of parks with comparison to the more publicly used sidewalks/ city streets. A nice comparison would be to look at a photo of a sidewalk in Downtown on a work day or Hollywood on a weekend.


Anonymous said...

Shannan's Post:

Jane Jacobs would criticize the planning for Echo Park because it is underused. The park’s abandonment equates it to the dangerous “streets without eyes.” The graffiti on the park wall reflects Jacob’s argument that ghost parks encourage negative effects like Vandalism which further destroys parks.

Based on the lack of passersby, Jane Jacobs would also say the planner did not do a successful job of situating the park in an area that was economically and socially diverse. The failure of the park also comes from its lack of an intricate park ballet.

Based on her article, Jacobs would disapprove of this park because it harbors danger that makes the surrounding city increasingly dangerous. Jacobs believes that the city should affect the park, but that the park should not be given the job of improving the city. The planners failed as soon as they tried to find a solution for an unstable city by expecting too much from Echo Park.

Anonymous said...

Shannan again:

My critical term for this picture would be VANDALISM.