Thursday, January 17, 2008

Interpretation I

The Interpretation of Dreams by Rene Magritte


Anonymous said...

The idea is simple: the fact that dreams can completely alter our state of mind and perception of things. In the waking world, we are assigned meanings and visual objects to words. But in the dream world, do these things lose their meaning? Not necessarily, but they have the potential to. Take for example, the hammer labeled “le desert” (translated as a desert). In the physical world, there are two separate meanings to these words. But in our altered state of mind and reality, which is the dream, these objects can have the possibility of meaning the same thing. Essentially, what our mind perceives to be something, can likewise be something else in a different state. Have you ever heard the idea that one cannot read in their dreams? Try for yourself and see if it’s possible. If it’s not, this further illustrates my point. (I, on the other hand, have been able to… I think)

Erin Trapp said...

i like that the painting brings up the question not of being able to read dreams, but of being able to read in dreams. isn't also paradoxical to "try" to read in a dream?

Erin Trapp said...

p.s.: what does dream interpretation contribute to a theory of textual interpretation?

Anonymous said...

Language, like dreams, carry in themselves various meanings.