Friday, February 15, 2008

Peer Review

Email working drafts to peers by 9 p.m. Friday night (after class is best). Read through your peers' drafts. You will be emailing them the following in a response by 9 p.m. Monday February 18. Please cc me as well.

Overall Selection:
  • comment on the overall variety of their images (correct number of high art, enough difference between images and what each is used to show, correspondence to sections of the Britannica to be illustrated?)
  • overall aesthetic/selection criteria for images (the writer may or may not have a separate paragraph at the beginning--either way, you can comment on the type of choice you see being made, if it's clear, too clear, interesting, etc)

For each image:

  1. Does knowledge of 6 C's seem to be "intimately involved"? In other words, does the author treat the image as a primary source? Again, 6 C's should be implicit in the caption, not explicit, but evidence should be seen that the author has done historical research of the image.
  2. Is a particular, specific, interesting aspect of the image referred to in the caption? i.e. a concrete detail?
  3. What idea or a thing does the image represent? Is it convincing that this image should represent the thing or idea?
  4. Has research been done on the idea or thing that is represented? (again, think of the Hoch/Brugman photo and the research done on "new woman.")

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